“They’re told that I chose a medication that’s too expensive for them,” he noted. The loss of trust can hurt the physician-patient relationships…which is ‘age-old, sacred.’
“They’re told that I chose a medication that’s too expensive for them,” he noted. The loss of trust can hurt the physician-patient relationships…which is ‘age-old, sacred.’
Registered Nurse
“You spend a lot of time on phone calls, letters, fighting with insurance companies,” Markham explained, “time that you otherwise could be devoting to that patient.”
Medical Assistant
Courtney shares her experience with step therapy and describes grappling with “about 22 messages every 48 hours from insurance companies or patients” related to prescription medications.
Psoriasis Patient
After years of “hiding” her skin, Sarah found relief. But it was short-lived.
Bullous Pemphigoid Patient
“It's been about 2.5 years and I've learned how to manage my condition, advocate for my care and yes, have a life - and I am doing well.”
Caregiver - Epidermolysis Bullosa
“With increased awareness and understanding, we believe that Brady will see treatment and hopefully a cure within his lifetime.”
Caregiver - Eczema
“When I think of our family's struggle with eczema, one phrase comes to mind: 'it shouldn't have to be this way'.”