President, Derma Care Access Network
Associate Professor of Dermatology
Residency Program Director
Director of Translational Research
Department of Dermatology, George Washington School of Medicine
Director, Connective Tissue Diseases Clinic Director, Health Policy and Advocacy
Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology & Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Founding Director, Chicago Integrative Eczema Center
Founding Partner, Medical Dermatology Associates of Chicago
Board-certified Dermatologist, Kaiser Permanente
Member of the editorial board of the Journal of the AAD
Co-chair of AAD’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work Group
Deputy chair of the Access to Dermatologic Care Committee
Director of Advocacy and Policy, Derma Care Access Network
Gabby leads national and state advocacy strategies, as well as coalition engagement for DCAN.
The Derma Care Access Network is a 501(c)4 non-profit advocacy organization of diverse stakeholders, including patients, patient advocates, physicians, and scientists. DCAN is an affiliate of the Alliance for Patient Access.
To become a member, please contact Gabrielle Draper at
Associate Members
Associate members provide financial support to the Derma Care Access Network. Associate Members are invited to attend DCAN-sponsored events. They also serve as a policy resource. DCAN does not promote any specific product and its independent leadership sets its policy priorities.